"Learning Together"
Welcome to our website! AHSL is made up of families from all over Northeastern North Carolina, better known as the Albemarle area. We are founded on Christian principles, but welcome anyone from any religious or ethnic background. We come together for support, meetings, co-ops, fieldtrips, and many other fellowship opportunities. Whether you are new to homeschooling or a veteran, please come to one of our monthly meetings and get to know us. Please take an opportunity to look around the website and discover for yourself a little of who we are and what we are about. Our News & Events section will show you the numerous educational and fellowship opportunities available to our members. If you would like to know more of our history and background please take a look at the "About Us" section. If you have further questions or cannot find the information that you are looking for, please feel free to contact us and one of our members will respond to you shortly.
Contact Us: For more information, email us at theahslteachers@gmail.com.
By-Laws & Registration:For a copy of our By-laws and registration, go to "more" above and click the tab "By-laws & Registration".
What is AHSL?
AHSL is a network of like minded people providing unconditional living support to homeschooling families in the Albemarle area.
Our History:
AHSL is a support cooperative founded on godly principles by godly people to effectively support homeschool families in their home education endeavors, regardless of sex, race, religion, creed, color or national origin.
Our Purpose:
AHSL endeavors to provide unconditional loving support to homeschool families through life enriching opportunities and fellowship.
What Are Enrichment Events?
Any activity designed to educate, motivate, inspire, admonish or otherwise support and encourage us to be better stewards of our lives.
What We Do:
We have regular gatherings and coordination meetings to provide enrichment opportunities for all school age children and their parents. All corporate activities are ideas of the membership that are facilitated by the Coordination Team. A monthly newsletter is published to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas through articles submitted by students or parents concerning homeschool issues, as well as a place for the offering of available homeschool items. AHSL maintains a website for the ongoing support for all homeschool families.
Why Join AHSL?
Field trips
Enrichment activities
Directory of Fellow Homeschoolers
Resource Manual
Fellowship opportunities
Lending Library
Testing Information and Resources