Please come if you have questions about the test, and we will try to help you. Please come if you are a veteran of testing to help answer questions. Please come if you just want some adult interaction. This is always an informative – and fun – meeting.
This meeting is open to the public. Children will need to be with you or in the childcare room. If you do plan to leave your children with the child-care crew, please consider leaving a donation in the box. (We suggest $1 per child.)
In a nutshell:
What: February support meeting: TESTING
When: Tuesday, February 12, from 6 – 8 pm
Where: Evangelical Methodist Church
820 Old Okisko Rd, Elizabeth City
(5.4 miles south of Food Lion/Farm Fresh off of US
Highway 17 S)
Members Please Bring: A snack or dessert and a drink to share
No nut butters, no nut flour, etc.