Tuesday, November 7, 2023
November Monthly Meeting
Sunday, October 1, 2023
October Monthly Meeting
S.O.S... Save Our Sanity...Save Our (Home)School...Sharing Our (Best) Tips...
However, you look at it, our October Support meeting is going to be a helpful - and fun - evening for everyone. Be sure to mark your calendars and come join us on October 10. The meeting will be a round table discussion, which continues to be a popular event here at AHSL. We plan to tackle some challenging topics like:
"Help! I just started homeschooling and I have QUESTIONS!!!" "Help! I have a high school student, and I need to think about transcripts and record keeping??" "Help, I have more than one student! How do I teach them all?" "Help! I've heard about dual enrollment, but don't know where to begin!" And many other questions will be discussed as well.
As you can see, we'll be discussing questions that many in our group have pondered. WE WANT YOU to come if you are able. Seasoned homeschoolers can offer a lot of insight to those of us with more questions than answers. New members to AHSL have a super opportunity to get some answers to those niggling questions as well as meet some new friends.
Our evening meetings are open to the public, so this is a perfect time to invite your friends who are not AHSL members to come visit us. Children need to be with you or in the child-care room. If you do plan to leave your children with the child-care crew, please consider leaving a donation in the basket. (We suggest $1 per child)
In a Nutshell:
What: The October Support Meeting - Round Table Discussion
When: Tuesday October 10, 6-8 pm
Where: Evangelical Methodist Church
820 Old Okisko Rd, ELizabeth City
5.4 miles south of Food Lion/old Farm Fresh off US HWY 17
AHSL Members, Please Bring: A snack or dessert and a drink to share
Remember: NO NUTS! No nut butters, no nut flour, etc.
Note: Childcare is available, and we request a $1 donation per child.
Friday, September 1, 2023
September Monthly Meeting
Friday, June 2, 2023
Early Bird Registration
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
April Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, March 8, 2023
March Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, January 4, 2023
January Monthly Meeting - Bang or Fizzle?
Or, you could share with the group how you have tweaked your curriculum to make it work for your student/s. You could even bring a problem you are having in your homeschool, and we could brainstorm together to help you find some fresh ideas. We will be monitoring the time so that everyone who wants to share has the opportunity!
A few notes to remember: This meeting is open to the public, so you are encouraged to bring friends. Children need to be with you or in the child-care room. If you do plan to leave your children with the childcare crew, please plan to leave a small childcare fee in the box for the teen helpers. (We suggest $1 per child.)
In a nutshell:
What: January support meeting: New Year: Bang or Fizzle?
When: Tuesday, January 10, from 6 – 8 pm
Where: Evangelical Methodist Church
820 Old Okisko Rd, Elizabeth City (5.4 miles south of Food
Lion/old Farm Fresh, off of US Highway 17)
Remember: NO NUTS! No nut butters, no nut flour, etc.