The November meeting is the perfect time to visit and enjoy delicious food! We are so thankful for the support and friendship we experience in AHSL, so this is a great opportunity to celebrate that. Guests are welcome to attend this event!
Bring a main dish to share, as well as a side dish (or dessert) and drinks to share. Remember we have a NO Nut policy, so please don’t bring foods with nuts or nut products in them. Also, no childcare will be provided for this event.
What: November Support Meeting – Potluck Dinner and Performance
When: Tuesday, November 14, 6-8 PM
Where: Evangelical Methodist Church
820 Old Okisko Rd, Elizabeth City
Members, Please bring:
Dinner to share: A main dish, a side dish (or dessert), and a drink.
(NO NUTS OR NUT BUTTERS due to allergies.)
Don’t forget to email us to sign-up if you have a performer in your
family that would like to share their talent with us that evening!