Thursday, October 31, 2024

New Website!

Please follow us at . See you there!

Saturday, April 6, 2024

April SUpport Meeting - Let's Talk Curriculum!


Come Join Us for Our Last Support Meeting of the School Year!
Now is the time of year in which we homeschoolers start thinking about next school year’s curriculum. We are all searching for the “perfect” curriculum, so we need your help! Our topic for April’s meeting will be “Let’s Talk Curriculum”.
Please join us on Tuesday, April 9th from 6:00 p.m. to 8 p.m. at EMC for some fun, fellowship, and lots of helpful curriculum information. Also, please bring your favorite curriculum. We would love to have these favorites on display for people to peruse.
In a nutshell:
What: April support meeting — Let’s Talk Curriculum
When: Tuesday, April 9, from 6 – 8 p.m.
Where: Evangelical Methodist Church 820 Old Okisko Rd, Elizabeth City
(5.4 miles south of Food Lion off of US Highway 17 South)
Members, Please Bring: A snack or dessert and a drink to share. (Remember: NO NUTS ~ No nut butters, no nut flour, etc.)

Monday, February 5, 2024

February Monthly Meeting - Testing!


Come one, come all! Our February support meeting is on February 13th, and it is all about TESTING!

We will discuss the many options we have for annual testing (which is required by the state of North Carolina), how to acquire the necessary tests, and try to ease your unease about testing. Please come if you have questions about the test, and we will try to help you. Please come if you are a veteran of testing to help answer questions. Please come if you just want some adult interaction. This is always an informative – and fun – meeting.

A few notes to remember: This meeting is open to the public, so you are encouraged to bring friends. Children need to be with you or in the child-care room. If you do plan to leave your children with the child-care crew, please plan to leave a small donation in the box for the teen helpers (we suggest $1 per child). 

 In a nutshell:
What: February support meeting: TESTING
When: Tuesday, February 13th, 6 – 8 pm
Where: Evangelical Methodist Church 820 Old Okisko Rd, Elizabeth City 5.4 miles south of Food Lion/Farm Fresh off of US Highway 17 S)
Members, Please Bring: A snack or dessert and a drink to share. Remember: NO NUTS! No nut butters, no nut flour, etc.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

January Monthly Meeting



Our next support group meeting is on January 9 from 6 to 8 pm at Evangelical Methodist Church. This is going to be a fun evening that you won’t want to miss. Our topic will be New Year: Bang or Fizzle? We trust that our discussion on this fun-filled evening will help those of us who need a little help to Bounce Back from Burnout! Although the Board members will be prepared to share, we are asking you to come prepared to share as well. Perhaps you can share your story about how you have had to adjust your curriculum (or your expectations) in your homeschool. Or, you could share with the group how you have tweaked your curriculum to make it work for your student/s. You could even bring up a problem you are having in your homeschool, and we could brainstorm together to help you find some fresh ideas. We will be monitoring the time so that everyone who wants to share has the opportunity!

If you have a question that you would like to see the group discuss, please email it to, and we will add it to the topic list for the evening.

A few notes to remember: This meeting is open to the public, so you are encouraged to bring friends. Children need to be with you or in the child-care room. If you do plan to leave your children with the child-care crew, please plan to leave a small donation in the box for the teen helpers. (We suggest $1 per child.)

In a nutshell:  

What: January support meeting: New Year: Bang or Fizzle?  

When: Tuesday, January 9, from 6 – 8 pm  

Where: Evangelical Methodist Church              
820 Old Okisko Rd, Elizabeth City             
(5.4 miles south of Food Lion/old Farm Fresh, off of US Highway 17)

 Note: Childcare is available, and we request a $1 donation per child.